Annual Report

Reports of the trustees and unaudited financial statements for Care Link West Midlands are available for download from the Charity Commission’s website at:


Our heartfelt thanks and gratitude go to all our present and historic funders who have made their financial investment and support into our organisation to do our great work over the years, an invaluable investment that significantly impacted our service users. Our appeal to them and other perspective funding bodies is to be prepared for further support either with networking, training or information sharing on areas useful for our target group and the strengthening of the partnership that already exists and which hopefully will continue between us in the years ahead.


Our thanks wall is hereby signed by both the trustees, passive and active members as well as beneficiaries of our programmes. May all our funders – both big and small find here the expression of our gratitude.  We acknowledge their support and the difference this has made:

Home Office Image
Home Office
Lloyds TSB Image
Lloyds TSB Foundation
SCVO Image
Sandwell Council of Voluntary Organisations
Birmingham Foundation Image
Birmingham Foundation
Harborne Parish Charity Image
The Harborne Parish Lands Charity
Harry Payne Trust Image
The Harry Payne Trust
Charity Aid Trust Image
The Charity Aid Foundation